Saturday 28 July 2012 relaunched - 27th July 2012

Dear all website is relaunched today. It is now the official website of history.

We have been working very hard to set up this new site among other things we need to accomplish for the new direction of the company. Although it has been slightly more than 4 months since we announced the discontinuation of all our related products and services on 19th March 2012, we are so glad that it is done and now launched.

Please feel free to navigate around and find out a little about our not so long and not so short history.

Thank You

Friday 27 July 2012

An Open Letter from the founder

Dear Members, Friends, Business Partners and Colleagues,

10 years have gone by, just like at a blink of an eye. Now that I have spent the time to look back and saw what we have done, I have no regrets, but stunned with an unbelieving stare. Against all odds, we stayed on for 10 years. Undoubtedly, the most important factor that brought us this far were the trust, the support and the help that you have given us.

The main purpose for doing up this Official website of history is for recording and sharing our past. No big deal and nothing great. However, we should not forget about our past nor should we live in it. This site will be served as a milestone in our company's history.

On a lighter note, now that I am looking at those works created during the initial few years, I found that they were rather primitive and amateurish. Having said that, it is good to be able to laugh at ourselves. :)

Back then, the manifesto was to up the IT knowledge of Real Estate Agents and to bring productivity to the way they work. Although we did not achieve monetarily, we earned our experiences and gained our understandings of the Real Estate and the IT industry over the years.

Setting up all our services over the last decade was exciting and challenging. Nonetheless, going through what we have done, what we have planned but not executed, what we had started and terminated, and those half done projects and ideas, were just overwhelming because they were so many.

To discontinue our services we started 10 years ago was an extremely difficult decision. This is because we still have a small group of clients who needed those services. Furthermore, we still have interesting ideas and concepts yet to be executed. Hopefully, in the coming years, I will be able to meet more right people and we will look into them again. I still want to change the way we do things for the better.

As the saying goes, "The only constant in life is change."

The 3 reasons why we have to painfully make this decision are:-
  1. The changes in the Internet, technology and business environment are greater than we can cope over the past 3 years. We need to reinvent ourselves.
  2. We are only servicing a very small niche group of clients at a mass pricing which is not economical for us.
  3. We have learned a lot about the business over the years and would like to have a fresh start with a new direction by pulling all our resources, focus and energy into it.
Nonetheless, we are not finished yet. Hopefully, if the time comes that we can be of your service again, you will render your full support to us.

If you are interested and have the time, you may like to check out our new Mondarlezo website to learn about our new direction. You may also check out my new brainchild, iViewhouse, which is still relevant to the property agents.

Last but not least, for those of you who wanted to have a permanent copy of your old i-Open-House virtual tours, for record, reuse, as a gift or whatever reasons, please check out our new version here, which is in a video format that you can upload to Youtube.

Again, I sincerely thank you all for those trust, support and help that you have given us during all these years. Please do keep in touch.

Thank You

- jaywin chia

Tuesday 24 July 2012

(GoViewing) Conversion of virtual tour to video opened

Dear existing and past members,

You can now contact us if you want us to convert your past i-Open-House properties into videos like the one below. You can view in HD if you set to full screen. You can view it on your TV if your TV is Internet enabled. In another word, as long as the device can watch Youtube videos, this video can be played on that device. You will also have a copy of the video and use it as and when, how and where you want it.

Monday 19 March 2012

Announcement - Services Discontinued - 19th March 2012 will discontinue its products and services on 19 March 2012. However, this site will be served as a depository of its history records that are deem fit to publish.

Thank You for dropping by.

(Mondarlezo Cyber Media Pte Ltd)

Thursday 9 February 2012

Domain Name - Changed to iViewhouse - Feb 2012

Domain name registration panel was renamed to iViewihouse Domain Name Registration. This service is still available. Click here for service.

Click here to visit site